Shop Hours: Mon - Sat 10 am-6 pm CST
Store Re-Opening May 18th

Store Re-Opening May 18th

STORE RE-OPENING MONDAY, MAY 18TH - We will be returning to our normal store hours

We are pleased to announce that the store will be reopening this Monday, May 18th at 10:00AM. Now in compliance with the state of Minnesota’s COVID -19 Preparedness Plan we we have made some changes to the store to ensure that we are providing a safe and healthy environment for all of our staff and customers. We adore all of you and want to make sure that we doing our part in keeping all of us healthy though these difficult times.

So here are the changes we made to the store to support a healthy shopping experience.

1.) Please wear a mask when coming into the store, and we promise that all the staff at the store will all be wearing one as well when the retail store is open.

2.) Our guidelines for maintaining proper social distancing - all store aisles will become one way aisles and will be marked accordingly. The front entrance to the store will be the wooden door on the electronics & new vinyl side of the store. The exit will be the main door on the used vinyl side of the store. A entrance & exit sign will be posted on each door. The rear door will also be open for those using the back parking lot.

3.) Although we have a total store occupancy of 98 occupants, we will be limiting the store to 20 guests at one time. We do not want anyone to feel uncomfortable or unsafe in the store and the best way to handle this is allow for plenty of personal spacing in the store.

4.) A good rule of thumb for social distancing is to make sure that you keep a distance of at least one cabinet of record bins between you and your fellow shopper, as each record cabinet is six feet long.  Btw, two record bins back to back have a distance of 6 feet across for your reference. So this means that only one person can be in front of a cabinet of record bins at one time. so both the new arrival bins and the online new arrival bins which is located by the register can only have one person at them at any time.

5.) The register aisle will be marked 6 feet apart for proper distancing should a line be at the check out counter. Once again you can count the record bin cabinets it you cannot see the markings on the floor. Curbside service will still be done in the back and controlled by the customer calling the main number.  Curbside service will now be during normal store hours.

6.)  All, counters, doors and bathrooms will be cleaned in the morning before the store opens. The counters will be wiped down continually during the store open hours.

7.) If you are sick you cannot come into the store, period! Please respect those who are not sick and not put anyone in a dangerous situation by being in the store.

8.) Handwashing - All staff are instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water frequently throughout the day, but especially at the beginning and end of their shift, prior to any mealtimes and after using the toilet. All customers coming into the store should wash their hands as well as you will be touching a lot of records in plastic sleeves. The goal is to make everyone more comfortable with the person before them touching the same records.

7.) Please cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze  Tissues will be provided at the front counter.  Please dispose of tissues in provided trash receptacles and wash your hands immediately afterwards.

Thank you in advance for following our healthy guidelines and we look forward to seeing you in the store sometime in the future.

Your friends at Mill City Sound.